Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I loathe this rancid sack of pigshit. Not only is he a pathetic and wasted human being but he's also horribly spoiled and arrogant. He plays off as being a communist, when he doesn't even follow communism correctly as he's a power hungry self serving son of a bitch.

I imagine, if I go back to my psychology skills I can tear his insignificant and vapid mind apart to find what makes him tick.

#1: His daddy is very successful, Matt isn't. Thus he probably feels the need to make less of his fathers accomplishments, after all, Matt has no talents, no skills, he's not even above average in intelligence. He hates his father for showing him up, and as such he turns his father into a villain, yet...Takes his money whenever possible. Maybe that's where the communism comes in, he's a self serving communist and demands others gains.

#2: He is indeed a self serving "communist", he probably doesn't have enough money to go to Europe, to go to Acen, to go to a restaurant, but you know who does? My older brother, who works for a living and is too kind to ever, ever, ever, say no to anyone. Hell, he's never worked a real, full, day in his life, and the only "Job" he's ever had was for his fathers company. He got a job working at a grocery store once...stocking fruit and such, quit after the first day because it was too "Hard". He's a fucking pussy, who takes advantage of those who are too kind to fight back, he expects people to pay hisway, even for expensive plane tickets to Europe and then he never pays them back.

#3: He is a liar, tried and true, I doubt you can get a word of honesty out of this sack of shit. He acts kind to everyone, but unless you pay his way he doesn't actually like you. He only likes you if you can be used, whether you're a girl through sex, or a guy through money/other benefits.

#4: His power hoarding goes against the basic principles of communism, all he wants is to use the communist college kids for his "revolution" he thinks he deserves to lead, and he's been trying to get involved into Government jobs/positions of power for years. He started by signing up for ROTC, he assumed if he got in he could gain rank in the military to gain his power and his control. Army did a psych screen on him and declared him "Mentally Unfit" for the military, which more or less is a various combination of things. Specifically: Depression "you're likely to kill yourself and possibly others in your platoon", Extreme Violance "You're likely to kill civilians for fun and abuse people", Fantacism "Your beliefs are so strongly against the military/government you are a threat to national security"...There are others but it's pointless to go on, those are the three they listed him as having, as such they kicked him out immediately after the psych screen.

This is a dangerous man to the country, he is charismatic and a fabulous liar. He also is a communist in the sense the North Vietnamese were communist, keep the population dumb with a ruling class, thus not really all that communistic. He's also willing to kill, steal, or take advantage of people to get ahead...No i'm not talking about the current congress, nor the President of the united states, but I can guarantee you...If someone doesn't get rid of this man soon he will eventually get his power, and it will be devastating.

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